Presentation Masterclass

Presentation Masterclass

Presenting effectively creates a positive impression to audiences in getting ideas clearly across. This will make people more likely to buy into your ideas. Presenting like a master requires all elements of building charisma, having charm and knowing who your audience is. This presentation masterclass is for anyone who wants to brush up on their presenting skills and gain flair in bringing their presentation to life and capture the attention of the audience.

Learning Objectives 

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Know the importance of presenting effectively
  • Gain insight into their target audience and why they are presenting to them
  • Go over their presentation slides and make the points more clear and concise
  • Bring their presentation to life by delivering a session
  • Be self-aware of their body language, presence in the room and tone of voice
  • Add value to their presentation through visual storytelling
  • Learn how to be self-confident in delivering in an authentic way
  • Practise delivering to their audience with value added feedback from the group
  • Have clearly prepared action points in place to effectively deliver with flair


Pre-course preparation

  • Participants to complete a pre-course questionnaire outlining their strengths and weaknesses, prior training and what they would like to get out of the course.
  • Have prepared presentations slides ready for feedback and improvement.
  • Be prepared to deliver a 10-minute presentation on the work related subject matter.

For a full programme outline and schedule, get in touch at:

Call +44 (0)208 004 9374

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