Good to Great Team Performance

Good to Great Team Performance 

Some teams work hard, have fun and get the job done. Other teams are miserable and not effective even when all members of the team are working hard. Having a happy and healthy team ensures success at work in meeting targets and organisational goals. This highly effective, engaging and entertaining workshop will provide participants with the skills and tools to ensure how to collaborate better to achieve better business results and overall improve organisational performance of whole team members.

Learning Objectives 

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Know the difference between a team and a group of individuals
  • Communicate effectively with different members of the team
  • Be well equipped in handling difficult conversations as and when they arise
  • Use techniques of self-awareness to build on their team leadership style and when to use it effectively in scenarios
  • Know how to and when to effectively delegate tasks
  • Manage team workload and measure team performance effectively
  • Have an action plan for implementing effective teamwork and collaboration going forward   


Pre-course preparation

  • Participants to complete a pre-course questionnaire outlining their strengths and weaknesses, prior training and what they would like to get out of the course.

For a full programme outline and schedule, get in touch at:

Call +44 (0)208 004 9374

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