Diversity and Inclusion at Work

Diversity and Inclusion at Work     

More diverse and inclusive teams outperform those that are not, managing diverse teams can prove to be a challenge with the difference of norms, identity and values. Managers need to be self-aware and understanding of their own biases when dealing with differences within the team. This highly practical and engaging workshop will give managers the resources to manage and understand diversity and inclusion at work, look at the relevant policies to managing diversity in place and effectively set expectations of goals to working effectively together as one team, while managing and respecting the opinions of others values and norms.

Learning Objectives 

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of diversity and inclusion at work
  • Look into the idea of cultural norms and align this to the values of the team
  • Become self-aware of their own biases and preconceived misconceptions
  • Handle team conflict and differences of ideas
  • Know how to have difficult conversations with sensitivity
  • Make an action plan in how to manage diversity and inclusion at work



  • Participants to complete a pre-course questionnaire outlining their strengths and weaknesses, prior training and what they would like to get out of the course.

For a full programme outline and schedule, get in touch at: info@gainitiative.co.uk

Call +44 (0)208 004 9374

Pre-course preparation

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