Coach Yourself

Coach Yourself!     

Coaching benefits workplaces in achieving the business’s bottom line. With the rapid pace of change in today’s businesses, coaching plays an integral part to grow teams and stay ahead in the marketplace. Organisations that have a strong coaching culture also enjoy employees who express greater job satisfaction and higher retention rates than organisations who do less coaching. This is likely tied to the fact that managers and employees build stronger relationships through their coaching conversations. This highly practical, interactive and engaging workshop will provide participants with the tools to effectively implement a coaching strategy. 

Learning Objectives 

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Know what coaching is
  • Look at the different types of coaching at work
  • Find available opportunities to coach at work
  • Know how to ask effective questions which bring meaning and openness
  • Conceptualise an effective framework for coaching
  • Practice coaching on others
  • Handle difficult scenarios
  • Take away different tools of coaching and decide which is the best fit




  • Participants to complete a pre-course questionnaire outlining their strengths and weaknesses, prior training and what they would like to get out of the course.

For a full programme outline and schedule, get in touch at:

Call +44 (0)208 004 9374

Pre-course preparation

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