Assert Yourself

Assert Yourself!     

Pre-course preparation

For some people assertiveness comes easy and for others, it takes time and effort so much so that you become passive. When you don't assert yourself, you find that people are not keen to your ideas and needs, and this can be frustrating. Learning assertive skills will leave you feeling confident and capable to meet daily challenging situations and handle difficulty with ease. This highly effective workshop will enable delegates to learn psychological techniques on being assertive and standing your ground without offending anyone.

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Know what it means to be assertive at work and the importance of being assertive
  • See what happens to teams when people are not assertive
  • Look at assertiveness from a biopsychosocial approach
  • Use psychological techniques to being assertive
  • Look at barriers to not being assertive at work and overcome them such as saying ‘no’ at times 
  • Know how to express ideas with conviction and persuasion
  • Learn how to give feedback assertively without causing harm to relationship
  • Have increased confidence to clearly communicate assertively at work



  • Participants to complete a pre-course questionnaire outlining their strengths and weaknesses, prior training and what they would like to get out of the course.

For a full programme outline and schedule, get in touch at:

Call +44 (0)208 004 9374

Learning Objectives 

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